Filming a Parachute Stunt | Adventure Clip

As part of a project for the Friedrich Schiller University Jena I fullfilled one of my longstanding dreams: to film from an airplane! The video clip is about a postman, who must overcome many obstacles to fullfill his mission: He swims through a river, hitchhikes a tractor, and skydives with a parachute. This clip captures the atmosphere of our oarachute stunt! Thanks again to the crew!

Find out more about “The Postman’s Odyssey” here.

direction and camera: David Cebulla
production assistant: Heide Moldenhauer
camera assistant: Hannes Grämer

parachute stunt: Jakob Häselbarth
flight coordination: Uwe Raschke
pilot stunt plane: Thomas Siewert
pilot camera plane: Dietmar Möller